Dear travellers, tour operators and people seeking Adventure warm greetings from "Latif" Travel
"Latif" Travel Company has been operating since 1992. The years of operation helped us to gain a reputation of a reliable partner in Turkmenistan and abroad.
We handle both inbound and outbound business. We provide a great number of different travel services for groups and individuals. There are some of the most famous programs on our web site. You may choose any of it or propose your own program of sightseeing of our beautiful country and we'll make individual program for you.
"Latif" Travel Company invites you to Turkmenistan and offers you different tours. Our trips are tailored to share the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the people and wildlife throughout this mountainous and deserted country. For those who are interested in history and culture of the ancient civilization visit Gonur Depe, Old Nisa, Anau, Altyn Depe, Abiverd. If you are interested in nature you can visit State Reserves, beautiful Koughitang Mountains with Dinosaurs' Plateau of well preserved footprints of antediluvian reptiles, amazing Karliuck caves, the forty Maidens Ravine, a mountain lake named Kainar-Baba with holy fish. You can also follow the Silk Road such as "Following Alexander the Great" and visit such big cities as Merv, old Nisa and Kunya-Urgench. Also you will see gorgeous Akhalteke horses in stud farms situated on the foothills of Kopetdag Mountains.
We can organize combined tours for you with visiting such countries as: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Iran.
"Latif" stuff offers in-depth knowledge of the history and culture reflected in all sites of interest in Turkmenistan.
Our Company is always glad to welcome you as the dearest guests and render you a qualified service. We will do our best for you to enjoy your trip. Come and discover Turkmenistan with us.
The more you travel, the more you know! Don't skip Turkmenistan on your journey map!
Our motto is efficiency, flexibility and professionalism.
Best wishes,
Jahan Yagmurova
"LATIF" Cultural and Adventure Tours
115, Magtymguly ave.,
Ashgabat 744000, Turkmenistan
Tel.: +(993 12) 93-44-69, 93-44-78, 93-44-82,
Tel./Fax: +(993 12) 93-44-78
E-mail: latif.turkmenistan@gmail.com latif@online.tm latif.travel@mail.ru
Web-site: www.turkmenistan-latif.com